
how do i know that it's you

 how do i know that it was always going to be you 
do i know it bc you walk through the door 
and i know i can't breathe 
do i know it bc you tilt your head so 

it's not gorgeous that it's like so 
and that i'll always pine 
but never sign 
always to make you mine 


friday - saturday

we did it all 
we sipped hot, spiced cider 
beneath a rainy dark sky 
- we watched our breaths in the air 
and admired a panting Newfoundland

then we knew it was time 
to go home 
and curl around our edges
and search for the nebulous curvatures 
of ourselves and others 

i'm always sad to walk away from you 
and i always get butterflies when i watch you walk toward me  


10.14 dinner partay

you made us 
the stuff of being a kid 
& having dreams
hoping & who wants to be a millionaire 
while we craft and chip and pick

buttered wonderbread 
and kraft singles 
tomato bisque 
with chunks of raw garlic
a greek salad without a place 
castelervero olives
red wine vinegar 
you gave us your sunsets


lip locking lust luck lol 
sometimes i think about what that moment would be like 
would it be a dare
or a confident yes 
will it be while you're drunk 
or when we're choking each other 

will i know you without ever knowing your lips 
even though i've been pining after them all this time
is any of this even worth it if i can't have you
where i have you but i don't
where i have everything else 
the things that ppl say matter most 

how would you feel 
if i told you
i am false 
what i say 
who i am 
it's all talk 

tongue teething 
song seething 
this is where we say goodbye