
a wishful woeful winter day

honeyed butter and flour dipped 
in creamed coffee 
a walk in the snow at midday 
someone to love and hold 
fired reading and an even heartbeat 
a floral scone with tea 
a stretch in the evening 
pureed squash with fried bread 
a bath to share 
some essays and sweet kisses 

that will never be mine 
i'll never be still 
and it's my fault 

but i have to be one step 
ahead of them 
i have to be consumed by what they are 
and what they may not be

i only know devastating 
so i'll leave you with this 
it's okay to let them catch you 
and to be scared 
it's okay to never have loved 
it's not okay to die never having tried 

broken back

will we ever be tented 
at the base of a river 
jutting into white-capped mountains?
will the air ever be completely still?
where sound can't move. 
we will touch 
not speak. 
we will hold
not listen. 
only then, the sun can hit 
my face without me shrinking 
spiders can crawl over 
my toes without me screaming 
and we can both touch my pit 
without cowering behind 
the guiding forces of hands
who surely know better 

i'm sorry i've stopped

i've stopped dreaming 
about a version of you 
that admires me when i sleep
and waits for me to wake up 

i've stopped believing you
that i'll ever be able to share 
my ugly 
without you walking away 

i've stopped thinking that 
i'll never not be a cowboy 
and that you'll never not 
see through that 

i've stopped trying to love myself 
so that you can love me 
shrinking myself 
to be the hole that you crave

my poems are richer when
you're not here 

i'm happy just watching you part 1

if i was a writer 
i'd write only about you—
your dark eyes 
and unwillingness to be mine 
would fill my pages
and spaces 

i'd have a place 
to wrap myself in your 
whispered delusions 
full glances
and unanswered messages 

but for now—i thank 'god'
that i have a body 
so i can be your observer 

nefario, nefaria, nefarias

can i whisper my future lies 
and let the wind take them?
can i trust that those words 
lose their meaning 
and each other?

maybe we shouldn't feed delusion
we're adults, right?
those whispers can't un-be 
they will always be tied together 
and saturate the air of every room i enter 

so now we must weep 
we lost 
i'll never not have a trick
up my sleeve 
maybe we can be vampires together?
it will be opulently hedonistic 
we can trace our tongues 
along each others' teeth 
and taste blood on the wrists 
of those who good courses through 
how's that sound?

you have my word

how many people are you
were you 
do you plan to be 

a thousand 
or seven

will you show them?
let me in perhaps?
i won't tell
i promise
you have my word 

i'll love you until my 
bones disintegrate 
and reduce to soil fertilizer 
after that 
i can't promise you a set of arms 
or a body that will hold yours

for now and until then 
will you let me smell your head 
and kiss your freckles 
will you indulge me that this 
was yellowed destiny 

i know you think it's pretty 
and all too much 
i'm sorry if i'm a memory now 
i was here 
and i tried 
and i'll always live in these etchings 
so please visit sometimes 


when will my wounds be claimed?
i'm 8,954 to the day 
it's sad to think 
my scars will be left to a charity 
when i stop breathing 

until then, do i wait?
for justice, for courage?
how shall i exist in this purgatory 
shall i take up new hobbies 
to pass the time 
or would it be better 
to fester 

for now, i'll let my neurons 
pass electricity to each other 
not creating or destroying 
i'll let the pressure build 

i'll sit in the pain 
that i know was meant for me 
until i forget myself
then i'll lie down 
and weep 
at the unclaimed 
and unnamed 
of what could've been
and what was 

a poem to 1/17

i was thirsty most of today 
my lips chapped 
and my hands callused 

i no longer recognize myself 
after years of gazing at my reflection 
everyday i wake up 
and i cling to the 
outside of my beating heart 
i weep 
because i'll never fill my lungs

i didn't see the raccoon 
at the bend today 
the one that's been dead 
since August.

i've been underwater for so long that 
i've forgotten that lungs are meant to 
have air in them 
i'm thirsty
but if i inhale, i'll die 

i cannot hold my breath 
and be thirsty forever 
so i must choose 

maybe tomorrow i'll have a solution
maybe tomorrow i'll understand 
why it's all been too much 
and never enough 
why i am always hurting 
and why i can't shake you 

i want to believe that 
tomorrow's sun will burn brighter 
that there's still a chance 

but i only know lies 
including this one—
each day, i am new 

the day before the shortest of 2020

i tried to plant my feet on the ground today.
they are now an inch closer—
still not touching

i dream about the day where they 
touch down and the Earth reverberates.
that day i won't care if Dana 
says I was a shut-in at college.
or if i ate too much of my 
father's birthday cake.
i won't try to rush the hard stuff.

but for now, i'll pick at my splinters
and burn my tongue with hot soup 
rushing for it all to be over 
waiting for my hands to wrinkle
waiting for my brain to forget my name
and unlearn my pains.
hurrying to unravel and explode into 
stardust so that my atoms
can return to the inorganic material
they were destined to be. 


Is it okay that I'm like this?
That my throat always burns 
Is it okay that I talk like this?
Look like this?
I know space where my body 
exists could be better used 
by air or another creature 
But is it okay that I'm here?
I promise that no one will remember 
I won't let anyone see me 


All of the sudden 
After months of darkness
I saw a cruel light flicker 
It dimmed and blinked back on 
I started to cry 
Thinking about when it 
Would go black again 
And I would be swallowed 


Bees don't know they are here 
they don't stare at their reflections 
panic-stricken that they are breathing
wondering what will happen if they forget 

i wish i didn't know that the future 
becomes the present
or that my demons would plot 
my life's trajectory 

bee's don't have to run 
from the past 
or scream out  
wondering why something 
that doesn't exist 
can't disappear 

they can be or not be 
i wish they were i and i were them 

to jordan

every morning—the sun nudges me 
and i rub my eyes to greet her 
i stand up and see you 
rolling around on the grass
belonging to people who have become persons 
with other people meaning and possessions
i still look out my childhood bedroom 
at 24
and hope that the new jersey horizon 
swallows me 
because i'll only ever cling to the 
fantasyland and dreamscape 
that is the garden state 



every day, my body contends
for place and space.
hollowed eye sockets 
and empty ear canals 

would you rather be 

cut off from 
or the 

hk said she'd rather be blind 
because you can still be apart of things

at what point does it all become too much
when you can't exist in relation to others?

for six years, i've lived 
crouched naked 
and alone 
on an ice float 
cast out to never re-emerge

and every day 
while i try to make sense 
of why this happened
to only come up short 
i'm faced with puzzled looks 
and questioning glances

i give you your laugh
and your value 

i haven't made it up 
i promise 
and i've tried not to weaponize it

it hurts me 
just as much as it hurts you 
in fact more 

so i'm sorry 
i'll weep for the person 
we both thought i'd be 

i'll pretend
and i'll try harder 
so you don't have to worry 

i'll never be free 
and i won't try to convince you every day 
but please
i beg 
can you indulge me once?

i promise i won't exaggerate
or force you to agree 
you can close your ears 

and maybe the space between us 
will melt 

we can't exist in relation 
so maybe we can find a body 
and call it home?