
 im tired of wanting you 

all of my moments are yours
during the in betweens 
& the big things 
i feel you 
own me

i don't want anyone else 

it's stopped 
wanting others 

i used to pine 
and bleed 
for anyone else 

until july 

it only took one look 
at your calves 
to know 
i'd do anything 
become anything 
just to hold your attention 

i didn't don't even need your gaze 

i fantasize about the things
i've wanted since i was a little girl 
and you're that person in it 


i give you all my moments 
my weekends 
my evenings 
every spare 

and i get antsy 

because i think about the future 
every waking second 
i wonder 
i plan 
i write you in 

because you know 
i'd follow you anywhere 

even if it means 
i don't have all of you 

but always will i 
wonder what your neck 
would taste like 
wonder what your mouth 
would feel like 

i always think about it
you know
while we lay next to each other 
what would happen 

if I breathed you in
if you held me back 
kissed my neck 
give into to what I wanted 

i'm sorry i freaked out 
when you started talking 
about proposing 

i'm scared though 
losing you 
and i'll always long to want you 
you know that right 

i'm not sure 
but it feels like this weird 
writing in the stars 

we have the mundane 
and that's all i ever wanted 
 to go to target with 
 to decide what to eat 
 to fold laundry next 
 to show you shows i've already seen 

i think that's it 
i think i found it 


i know we're coming to a close

your beacon hill apt 
and your twink 
are a stones throw away

fucking situations 

i want to push away 
and i want to want to push 

but we both know i can't
i come crawling back 

i guess i was always right 
about not being wanted 

a 14 yo SATC watching Sarah  
watching me 
turn 28 
and still not spend a night
next to a someone 
who would watch me 
and want 

now he's gone 
a whisper to the wind

just like a girl
it's not like i wanted 

just on my couch 
a body to perch next to 

i just wonder what 
i said 
that got him 
to do it 

was it my question asking 
my mouth 

the way i said
"you'll find someone" 

was it my belly 
or my burden  

or maybe making
him buy my drink 
an act i didn't have down

i'm starting to think 
it was all of it 
wasn't it? 
not just the parts 

my indecisiveness 
my talking off the cuff 
my oh my oh my 

the things 
and the betweens
the middle
and the ends 

it was all there 

but i still picture 
you in my apt 
even now
that we don't talk 

it's only been 4 days 
but it might as well be 4 years 

i know it 
that's the thing 
i know it